We’re approaching the longest day and most yang time of the year, the Summer Solstice. What is yang? It’s associated with the sun, daytime, summer, light, heat, activity, joy, the fire element, [...]
Springtime check-in: How are you doing? Many patients I’ve seen in my San Rafael acupuncture clinic recently report feeling more irritable and less patient than usual. As we’ve worked [...]
As you wrap up your summer travels, how do you want to reconnect with your community? What rhythms and routines do you want to nurture or reestablish in your day-to-day life? The earth element, [...]
I would like to draw your attention to PLAY Marin, an African American-led nonprofit based in Marin City. While Marin has been Sheltering-in-Place the last three months, the organization has been [...]
When I work with patients who suffer from anxiety, I help them develop a self-care plan that provides relief between regular acupuncture. The very act of making a self-care plan and sticking to [...]